Wednesday, October 27, 2010

aku dan futsal.

yup. aku dan futsal.
nie first tyme dlm seumor idup... aku sepak bola..
saje2 join..
aku mmg x berbakat sepak bola. tp x salah mencube kan.
n aku rse seronok dpt maen futsal..
boleh kate tiap2 petang aku turun padang trening.

sebenarnyer aku dok trening ari2 nie sbb ade game intervarsiti
kat USM..
aku x pernh jejak lagi kaki aku kat Klantan..
so,aku x lepaskan pluang nk gi..
tu la sebabnyer aku join futsal.
walopon sepak mcm hape je..(T_T)

maafkan aku kawan2.. ape2 pon aku akn cube yg terbaek!

p/s: bersukan n mandi peluh sgt seronok . lagi2 bile masalah emosi melanda diri. kau kuat farah!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

hari nyanyok sedunia

boleh tak.. hidup aku serbe x kene dari aku bgn tido smpi laaaaa nie..?
arini aku bgn lewat cket dari selalu..
pastu mse nk gi klas..
elok2 fiera dh kunci umah..
aku terigt x bawak KAD MATRIX..
pastu bile dh kuar umah... masuk balik..
haihh.. masuk lagi umah...
pastu dah turun lif..
raba2 beg... tertinggal HP pulak!
aku x patah balik.. mintak leyha ambekkan.. klas die kul 9..

mase kat klinik pulak..
Dr x terime radiograph BITEWING yg aku amek..
kene re-do..
dah re-do.. bile aku prosess.. premolar lak x masuk dlm film..
mayb kene wat balik.. kesian partner aku.. nabes baek bitewing..kalo periapical..
perghhh.. azab!

Kat bilik pigeon hole pulak..(lepas abes klinik)
aku boleh terlupe nk masukkan INSTRUMENTS aku kat dlm pigeon hole..
boleh pulak aku letak pastu blah.. naseb baek umi ade..
bukan psl instrument aku terlupe.. FOLDER AKU pon.. aku biar je kat bilik tuh..
pastu aku terambil FOLDER FATIEM!
nenek betol!
yang tak best gak ATTENDANCE KLINIK PROSTHO .. x dpt sign DR.
serious.. aku tataw pon kene mintak... so, dtg klinik.. mcm x dtg kan?

mase nk gi maju junc...aku jalan menonong dh la je.. pdhal nk naek teksi..
aku gi maju junction sbb nk wat IC BARU...
mende x best pertame:knape aku je yg kne wat IC SEMENTARE?.. fiera ngn anis x yah pon.. dh la BESAR gile ic tuh weyh!
mende kedue x best: aku SENYUM SENGET. abes la .. lagi 10 tahun og akn tgk gmbr kat ic aku.. senyum senget..! ( ke aku mmg senyum senget?)


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

aku tak tipo

segale nyer benar. (@_@)
motip: bmi aku normal.
bmi: 19.7

Friday, October 1, 2010

i'm in here


I'm in here, can anybody see me?
Can anybody help?

I'm in here, a prisoner of history,
Can anybody help?

Can't you hear my call?
Are you coming to get me now?
I've been waiting for,
You to come rescue me,
I need you to hold,
All of the sadness I can not,
Living inside of me.

I'm in here, I'm trying to tell you something,
Can anybody help?

I'm in here, I'm calling out but you can't hear,
Can anybody help?

Can't you hear my call?
Are you coming to get me now?
I've been waiting for,
You to come rescue me,
I need you to hold,
All of the sadness I can not,
Living inside of me.

I'm crying out, I'm breaking down,
I am fearing it all,
Stuck inside these walls,
Tell me there is hope for me
Is anybody out there listening?

Can't you hear my call?
Are you coming to get me now?
I've been waiting for,
You to come rescue me,
I need you to hold,
All of the sadness I can not,
Living inside of me.

Can't you hear my call?
Are you coming to get me now?
I've been waiting for,
You to come rescue me,
I need you to hold,
All of the sadness I can not,
Living inside of me.

I'm in here, can anybody see me?
Can anybody help?